Ray & Carolyn Connell
Ray and Carolyn Connell have taken commitment to Butler above and beyond. Ray and Carolyn are passionate about helping Butler students through both endowment and capital projects. They were active leaders in the fundraising and building of the BG Products Veterans Sports Complex and the Connell family has a skybox at the stadium. Carolyn served on the Campaign Leadership Council for The Forever Butler Campaign after 20 years of serving on the Foundation Board of Directors where she held various leadership positions. In 2010, Ray was recognized at the President’s Donor Dinner as the President’s Outstanding Volunteer Fundraiser and in 2013, Ray and Carolyn received the Larry & Judy Abraham Grizzlybacker of the Year award. Ray is the college attorney, practicing in the same law office his father O.J., Jr. started in El Dorado. Their two scholarship funds and one program fund assist students and the athletics department. The Connell’s are truly the “first family” of Butler, with their involvement spanning generations.
The Ray & Carolyn Connell Presidential Scholarship and Ray & Carolyn Connell Leadership Scholarship are awarded to students of high caliber at Butler.