Chad & Doris Patton
About the Chad & Doris Patton Scholarship: Chad and Doris Patton were born in the 1920s in Chase County, Kansas, and attended Matfield Green High School. After attending Kansas State Teacher’s College (Emporia State University) and teaching school for a year, Chad was drafted by the U.S. Army in 1942 and served in the European theatre during World War II. He returned home in 1946. Chad and Doris were married at Ft. Rucker Alabama before Chad’s division was sent to France. While Chad was overseas, Doris worked at Beach Aircraft as a secretary during the day and on the assembly floor in the evenings. Upon his return from the war, Chad began a teaching career along with farming and ranching in Chase County. Doris retired from the aircraft business and devoted herself to her home, family and church. In 1954 they moved to Cassoday, Kansas, where Chad was principal, teacher and coach at Cassoday Grade School for many years and received the national Valley Forge Outstanding Teacher award. Chad later became a rural mail carrier, serving in multiple state leadership capacities. Chad and Doris exemplified the term “service”, working many hours in the church and community. Chad was a member of the organizational steering committee for the creation of Butler County Community Junior College (now Butler Community College), president of the National Rural Letter Carriers Association, a member of the Butler County Department of Aging, a member of the Butler County Planning & Zoning Board, a charter member of the Cassoday Lions Club, a 52-year member and leader of 4-H, city clerk of Cassoday, a school board member in two different districts, a member of the Butler County School Board Council and the Butler County Fair Board. Doris was a stay at home mom who was devoted to nurturing her family. Chad and Doris raised five children. They loved their family and loved helping others in their community, especially young people.